I have recently accepted a new opportunity and will be moving on from my position as the BWP Assistant Manager. Over the past five years, it has been my pleasure to get to know the land and wildlife within the Borderlands Wildlife Preserve. Checking the wildlife cameras was a nice escape from the office, and sorting the picture data always felt like I was given a gift that most people would never see. I will miss that. Working with the passionate and gifted staff at Borderlands Restoration Network and Wildlife Corridors, LLC has created a stockpile of friends and memories not soon to be forgotten.
Over the past years, we have submitted 748 images (and sorted through tens of thousands!) from the preserve wildlife cameras to Sky Island Alliance for their FotoFauna Project. This data is vital for understanding our region's wildlife movement and species. I am proud to have been a part of that. I also look forward to seeing the preserve grow physically and as a place for people and wildlife to thrive. Plans in place for the future and the existing conservation easements ensure endless protection and many good things to come.
Moving forward, I will be the Assistant Director of the Northern Jaguar Project. NJP's mission is to preserve and recover the world's northernmost population of the jaguar, its unique natural habitats, and native wildlife under its protection as a flagship, keystone, and umbrella species. Staying within the realm of wildlife conservation will most certainly lead to many great partnerships in the future.
As a fond farewell, I would like to share with you some of my favorite wildlife images collected during my time here. Enjoy, and many thanks!